Statesman Scholar Kayla Zanders

I have been gifted the opportunity to serve as the Student Representative to the William & Mary Board of Visitors, a selected position I never imagined for me. I’m getting the chance to help guide the incoming class, and be a voice for all students who chose Richard Bland College to “Create Their Journey” towards success.
My transition from high school to college wasn’t particularly smooth, which makes me even more appreciative of where I am today. When I committed to attend RBC, I had a clear vision of where my life would lead — my hopes were to become a Foreign Service Officer, but the route I would take to get there wasn’t nearly as defined. I wasn’t sure if the “college life” was for me. I earned good grades my first semester while managing to overcome obstacles typical to most college freshmen.
My tendency to complete everything I start motivated me to put my total efforts into becoming a Foreign Service Officer. The hardships I had were overcome, and wouldn’t prevent me from achieving my dreams.
RBC opened up amazing opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten elsewhere. I met countless wonderful people, explored the surrounding towns and attractions, and began embracing the college life. Richard Bland taught me how to be a positive thinker.
I was able to enjoy college for what it was: an opportunity to grow personally and academically. The administration, faculty, and student body all made this happen for me. As a Foreign Service Officer in the making, I am now aware of how important it is to start off right and set a strong foundation to build upon. RBC has given me the chance to do exactly that. It’s the reason why I chose RBC in the first place, and will become a proud alumnae in May.