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Please complete the following forms before you move into the residence halls. If you have any questions regarding these forms, please contact the Office of Residence Life at or (804) 862-6161.

Housing Application

Immunization Form

Proof of Insurance Collected Form

Uninsured Options: RBC strongly encourages students to have health insurance. Staying healthy is critical in supporting academic success. Under the Affordable Care Act, part of the new health care reform law, many students are eligible for insurance under their parent’s insurance until their 26th birthday. Anthem and other insurance companies offer “Away from Home” options for students attending college.

Some helpful links:



Office of Residence Life

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Mailing Address:
Richard Bland College
Office of Residence Life
11301 Johnson Rd
South Prince George, VA 23805

Contact Information:
Phone: (804) 862-6161

Email Office of Residence Life

Campus Life

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