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About us

  • Mission and Vision
  • Meet the Staff
  • Giving to the Library

Mission and Vision

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide education, information resources, services, and facilities that advance learning, teaching, research, and creative activity. As an academic department of the College, the RBC Library educates our RBC community in the effective discovery, evaluation and use of information providing diverse information resources, technologies, and study spaces, and collaborating to provide research, writing, and academic support services.

Our Vision

The Richard Bland College Library will be an innovative hub where knowledge is accessed, produced and shared, and where high-impact instruction is modelled and implemented in state-of the art classrooms. The sum of what we provide—education, information resources, learning and creative spaces–will demonstrably contribute to student engagement, learning outcomes and retention, as well as student and faculty success. The RBC Library will be the place where the College’s unique and distinctive Archives and Special collections are appropriately conserved and promoted to the campus community and beyond, enhancing the profile of the College, and demonstrably contributing to RBC Advancement.

Meet the Staff

Tim Hurley

Tim Hurley

Head Librarian
(804) 862-6100, ext. 8530

Giving to the Library

The Richard Bland College Library is very grateful for the many gifts it receives from its generous patrons. Donations to the library can be made by sending a check to Richard Bland College Library specifying the funds are for the Library, or through the RBC Foundation by selecting “Library Foundation”. If you have any questions about the opportunities below, email us at

Current Periodicals Reading Corner

Gift of Dr. Robert & Dr. Virginia Cherry, RBC Library Director

Friends of the RBC Library Book Sale Area

In Honor of Nancy Marshall, Retired Dean of University Libraries at The College of William & Mary

Library Foyer

Gift of Carole Summerville, RBC Associate Professor of Mathematics, and the Summerville Family

Large Study Lounge on Second Floor Overlooking Ernst and McNeer Halls

Gift of Jerry Harvey and Pat Harvey, RBC Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Learning Commons

Gift of Henry W. Geisz and Family, in memory of Brenda A. Geisz (2013), RBC Student (1978-1980)

Multimedia Room

Gift of: Dr. LeAnn Binger, Provost; Dr. Virginia Cherry, Library Director; Carol Kelly, Ret’d Faculty Secretary; Patsy Newman, Faculty Emeritus; Charlotte Rhodes, Faculty Emeritus; Kay Snavely, Prof. Computer Science; Margo Sommer, Assoc. Prof. Math; Carole Summerville, Assoc. Prof. Math

Seminar Study Room

Gift of: Helen Q. Sherman, Former RBC Librarian (She currently serves as Director, Users Services, for the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. Her first library position was as the circulation manager and reference librarian at Richard Bland College).

Special Collections Room (Virginia Room)

In Honor of Elizabeth D. Hartman, First RBC Librarian

Student Copy Center

Gift of Helen Q. Sherman, Former RBC Librarian

Individual Library Table

Gifted by various library supporters.

Individual Library Carrel

Gifted by various library supporters.




Please Note:


Contact Info

11301 Johnson Rd
South Prince George, VA 23805
(804) 862-6226

Email the Library



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