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RBC University College

Your Seamless Pathway to a Baccalaureate Degree


If you are already enrolled at Richard Bland College, we prepare you for success by offering a variety of tools and opportunities to get you to the next level of your academic and professional journey. Through our transfer agreement program, students who graduate from RBC with an associate degree and a minimum grade point average may obtain GUARANTEED admission to more than 35+ colleges and universities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please see the list below for copies of the current agreements.


RBC has Guaranteed Admission Agreements with four-year colleges and universities across the Commonwealth that will enhance you educational opportunities.

At RBC our transfer agreements narrow the range of course options for you by providing a checklist – or sequence of what courses should be taken to satisfy degree requirements while attending classes in person or online. We take pride in simplifying the complexity of determining what courses to take while making your stay at RBC a successful experience.

Please take a look here: Guaranteed Admission Agreements

For more information about RBC’s Traditional Transfer Opportunities
Dr. Ann Ifekwunigwe at or (804) 862-6100 x6246


The College of William & Mary welcomes applications from students from Richard Bland College. There are several paths for guaranteed admission to W&M for Richard Bland students including Guaranteed Admission, Honors Program, Promise Scholars and Bridge Program.

William & Mary recognizes that certain circumstances will prohibit some students from falling under the articulation agreement requirements. Richard Bland College students should follow the standard transfer student application procedure. Learn more about the Bridge agreement.

William & Mary grants junior status (defined as at least 54 hours) to entering transfer students from Richard Bland College with an Associate of Arts, Associate of Sciences or Associate of Arts & Sciences degree in a baccalaureate-oriented program. Information on course evaluations and recommended courses can help guide your course of study.

Please contact the Honors Program Coordinator with questions:

Dr. Jamia Hines, Honors Program Coordinator

(804) 804-862-6100 ext. 8568

Email Honors Program


Richard Bland College of William & Mary has partnered with Virginia State University and Virginia Wesleyan University to make it possible for RBC students to earn a Baccalaureate degree while remaining on campus at RBC for an additional one or two years.

Current Major Pathways are in Psychology, Business, and Education — More Options Coming

RBC Scholars can complete their associate degree at RBC and then remain on the RBC campus for at least one additional year.

• Virginia Wesleyan University = 1 year towards Baccalaureate • Virginia State University = 2 years to complete

For more information about RBC’s Innovative Partnerships with VWU and VSU please contact:
Dr. Ann Ifekwunigwe at or (804) 862-6100 x6246


Petersburg, VA

Scholars may remain on the Richard Bland College campus and pay RBC tuition for their VSU bachelor’s degree!

Education Scholars can be Fully Licensed to Teach in 4 Years!

Pathways Have Been Created for Bachelor of Science degrees in:

• Elementary Education • Special Education

• Middle School Education (Math, Science, English, History & Social Science)

• Innovative Technology (CTE)

• High School Education (Subject Major with Education Minor)

• Business Scholars can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in:

• Accounting • Computer Information Systems

• Management • Management with a Human Resources Concentration

 • Marketing


Virginia Beach, VA

Scholars may remain on the RBC campus for their junior year. Scholars may transfer to the Virginia Beach

campus for their senior year, or finish their bachelors degree at VWU Global (online).

• Scholars will be Statesmen and Marlins—concurrently enjoying the benefits of both schools

• Virginia Wesleyan will award eligible scholars a $24,000

scholarship towards tuition.

• Eligible scholars will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship

for taking a tour of the VWU campus!

• Psychology Scholars can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology

• Business Scholars can earn a Bachelor of Science

degree in Business Administration


The Transfer Scholars Network (TSN) works to connect high-achieving community college students to dedicated admissions representatives from top four-year colleges with some of the nation’s most generous financial aid programs.

In December 2022, Richard Bland College was invited to join the TSN as an Affiliate. Full membership was granted in the summer of 2023.  With full membership, transferring Richard Bland College students have access to the following TSN member schools:

Current TSN Partners

  • Amherst College (Massachusetts)
  • Bates College (Maine)
  • Brown University (Rhode Island)
  • Bowdoin College (Maine)
  • Cornell University (New York)
  • Johns Hopkins University (Maryland)
  • MIT (Massachusetts)
  • Mount Holyoke (Massachusetts)
  • Pomona College (California)
  • Princeton University (New Jersey)
  • Rice University (Texas)
  • Smith College (Massachusetts)
  • Swarthmore (Pennsylvania)
  • Wellesley College (Massachusetts)
  • Williams College (Massachusetts)
  • Yale University (Connecticut)

New TSN Partners Coming in 2024-2025

  • Columbia University (New York)
  • Northwestern University (Illinois)
  • Wesleyan University (Connecticut)

For more information about the Transfer Scholars Network, please contact Dr. Ann Ifekwunigwe at or (804) 862-6100 x6246.


Virginia has worked hard to make the transfer process as seamless and transparent as possible.  Transfer Virginia is an online portal that provides current information about dozens of 4-year transfer partners across the Commonwealth of Virginia.  You can upload your transcripts to verify your credits and the transferability of your coursework. You can find course maps and search majors at partner colleges and universities.   Create a FREE Transfer Virginia account today to take advantage of the platform’s transfer tools and resources.

For more information about the Transfer Virginia, please contact Dr. Ann Ifekwunigwe at or (804) 862-6100 x6246.

Richard Bland College to Virginia State University

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