Statesman Scholar Ashley Fritz

As a senior at Lloyd C. Byrd high school in Chesterfield, I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life or where I wanted to continue my educational journey. As I explored the many opportunities available to me by visiting several schools throughout Virginia, none of them felt like home. I grew frustrated with my indecisiveness and myself. I was finishing my high school career as a student-athlete with a 3.96 GPA and still had no clue where I was going upon graduation.
I watched all my friends declare majors, commit to schools for their academics and sports, and get accepted into different universities. As I applied to schools, I grew nervous. I still did not know what I wanted to do or learn, or what I even liked. Eventually, I began to realize how much I loved combining academics and softball. I knew I needed a great education to succeed in life, yet I didn’t want to stop playing softball, something I’ve done my whole life.
Attending RBC was both the smart and right choice.
When the RBC softball coach offered me a spot on the team, I knew I was being presented with a fantastic opportunity to further pursue my academic and athletic journey. Although I have never been decisive, I have always been determined.
I finished my first year with a 4.0 GPA, was a Statesman Scholar honor student, and a member of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. RBC helped me gain the knowledge and confidence that I can succeed no matter where I go from this point forward.
With hard work and determination, anything is possible. After leaving Richard Bland, I plan to attend a four-year school where I can work towards a degree in Engineering and continue my softball career.