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Richard Bland College Announces Awards of Distinction Recipients

The Richard Bland College Foundation is proud to announce the 2019 Awards of Distinction. Those honored include the William Talley Family, Jennifer McGrew (RBC Class of 2000), and Felicity V. Morris (RBC Class of 2008). The Talley Family was presented the Richard Bland Award; McGrew, the Distinguished Alumni Award; and Morris, the Young Alumni Award.

 William Talley Family
The Richard Bland Award recognizes a member of the Richard Bland family who has demonstrated exemplary service to the College. The Talley family has a long history of financially supporting education in the Tri-Cities and has two scholarships with the Richard Bland College Foundation: the Talley Family Scholarship and the newly-established William H. Talley IV Scholarship. Bill Talley IV has been active on the Richard Bland College Foundation Board since July 2013, serving as chair from 2014-18. Under his leadership, annual giving to the Foundation tripled, a $300,000 grant was received to renovate Parsons Café, and the RBC endowment grew by $1.46 million, representing a 25% increase to the corpus.

Jennifer McGrew ’00
The Distinguished Alumni Award is the most prestigious honor that can be bestowed upon a Richard Bland College alumnae. This award recognizes leadership, outstanding professional accomplishments and distinguished service to the community. Jennifer McGrew earned an associate of science degree from RBC in 2011. She received her bachelor of science degree in business from the University of Richmond, and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. McGrew currently serves as CFO of Global Alternatives at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, a leading asset manager for individuals, advisors, and institutions. She is executive director, CFO, and head of business management of North America Institutional at J.P. Morgan Asset Management where she leads the strategic and financial objectives of North America Institutional. McGrew also serves as co-chair of J.P. Morgan Asset and Wealth Management Women’s Network.

Felicity V. Morris, ’08
The Young Alumni Award acknowledges exceptional service to the community and the College. Felicity Morris earned an associate of science degree from Richard Bland College in 2008 and received her bachelor of science degree in finance from William & Mary in 2010. In her last year of graduate school at Liberty University, Morris began working at the public accounting firm KPMG as a tax associate. After four years of public accounting, she transitioned to work for Dominion Payroll as a tax specialist. Ms. Morris serves on the Board of the Richard Bland College Foundation and promotes financial literacy through several community organizations.

*photo (L-R): RBC President Debbie Sydow, RBC Foundation Chairman Chuck Patton, Felicity V. Morris, William Talley III, William Talley IV, RBC Chief Development Officer J. Tyler Hart.



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