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Fill Your Heart Up

Freedom Hall Bonfire Pit

Fill your heart valentines event is a fun interactive celebration designed for college students to connect promote self love and engage in creative activities.

Love & Basketball Movie Showing

Statesman Hall

Join us for a night of romance, basketball and fun. Come watch the hit movie "Love and Basketball"—a heartfelt and inspiring story.

Activity Hour

Parson's Café

Come enjoy themed activities for campus experience, and for students to take a break for the day

Girl Talk

McNeer Hall

Girl talk is a transformative event designed to create a supportive, welcoming environment where girls can openly share their thoughts, dreams, and challenges.

Barbershop Talks

Ernst Hall

A free event where community comes together for great conversations, free haircut and delicious food. It's a space for Black and Brown men to share, connect and be inspired.

Was It Planned

Ernst Hall

Join us for "was it planned" an informative event that explores the realities of planned and unplanned pregnancies

The Cookout


This is a time for students to come and have fun while also learning about Black history.

Dance Central Night

Patriot Hall Lobby

Dance Central night will be a time where ALL students are welcome to play each other in groups. Whichever team has the most wicked moves they will win!

Board Games at the library


Come to the library to play some games from our collection, including Codenames, Catan and apples to apples! if you have a board game you want to play (that lasts a reasonable amount of time) please bring it, and be prepared to explain the rules

Board Games at the Library


Come to the library to play some games from our collection, including Codenames, Catan and apples to apples! if you have a board game you want to play (that lasts a reasonable amount of time) please bring it, and be prepared to explain the rules