Richard Bland College of William & Mary will be open during regular hours today Wednesday Jan. 22

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Not sure what the next step on your path is?  Let our staff help you along the way.

Here are some useful resources

  • What is a Learner Mentor?

    • Full-time professional advisors who specialize in degree track and transfer pathways. Learner Mentors:

      • Help you develop an individualized academic plan
      • Help you explore majors and careers
      • Connect you to tutors and other campus resources to help you be successful
      • A resource for supporting students’ success across their time at RBC
  • Who is my Learner Mentor?

    • Students can seek guidance from a team of Learner Mentors, but students should meet with a Learner Mentor based on their degree track. Learner Mentor Staff:


      Hannah “Dani” Brock

      Degree Tracks they advise: Associate of Science



      Andrew Frazier

      Degree Tracks they advise: Associate of Science and A.S in Business Administration



      Dr. Emily Golden

      Degree Tracks they advise: A.S in Math/Computer Sci, A.S in Life Science, A.S in Clinical Lab Sciences, A.S in Physical Science



      Jamia Hines

      Degree Tracks they Advise: Associate of Arts and A.S in Behavioral Sciences



      Elizabeth Majewski

      Degree Tracks they Advise: Associate of  Science


  • When do I need to meet with my Learner Mentor?

    • Typically, you will meet with your Learner Mentor at the beginning of every semester. You will also want to check in with them throughout the semester, or whenever you have questions, concerns, or need help with your academics. Your Learner Mentor is your resource for success. You can meet with a Learner Mentor for a variety of reasons. Below are the most common reasons students may meet with a Learner Mentor:

      • Encountering problems that affect your academic performance
      • Registering for Courses
      • Discuss Academic Progress
      • Discuss Transfer Schools and/or Graduation
      • To explore major/s careers
      • To learn about campus resources
  • How do I declare my degree?

    • The Process for Declaring Your Degree

      1. Use the college catalog to better understand the different degree options and their requirements.
      2. Choose which degree you want.
      3. Use the college catalog or your degree evaluation in Banner to plan out which courses you’ll take to fulfill your degree and remaining curriculum requirements.
      4. Complete the form by clicking here to formally declare your degree.
      5. You will receive an email confirmation once your degree has been successfully changed. This process is only done once a week.
      6. Meet with your Learner Mentor to go over the requirements of your degree together.
      7. You are responsible for understanding and meeting the requirements of your degree.

      Complete information about the different degrees offered at RBC is found here.

  • Preparing to meet with your Learner Mentor

      • Prepare a list of questions/concerns that you have for your Learner Mentor
      • Think about your goals and how Richard Bland College can help you achieve them
      • If you are meeting about course registration/scheduling, prepare a list of possible courses
      • Arrive on time
      • Be prepared to discuss details of your academic performance
      • Bring your planner or calendar to jot notes for future appointments
      • Bring an open mind and readiness to accept new information or new ways of seeing things


  • How do I schedule an appointment with my Learner Mentor?

  • What if I don’t have a major?

    • Below are several resources to help you begin the major exploration process:

      Learn How to Become Learn How to Become is an online career site to assist you in educational and career exploration. It will help you to think about what motivates you, your work-related values, interests, personality and skills to find possible educational and career paths.


      My Majors


      This assessment will recommend the top majors, colleges and careers based on your academic achievements, interests and personality.  Time to take: 15 minutes


      Holland Code Career Test Discover the best jobs for you with this free test that identifies your strongest career interest among six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. You’ll discover your top interest area and what that means for you, along with a list of suggested careers based on your interests. Time to take: 20 minutes


      16 Personalities Take this personality test to find out more about who you are and why you do the things you do. The more you know about yourself the easier it is to apply to future careers. Time to take: Less than 12 minutes


  • What can I do with a major in…?



If you have any questions, please contact Student Success, at (804) 862-6100 or via email.

Learner Mentor Hours

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm with an appointment

Email Advising


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