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2000 Finance and Administration Policies

2010 Travel Authorization and Reimbursement

Policy Number: 2010
Policy Name: Travel Authorization and Reimbursement
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All travel authorization and reimbursement shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College follows The Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) Manual that is written and published by the Department of Accounts (DOA) to provide authoritative guidance on the application of accounting policies, procedures, and systems pursuant to 2.2-803 Virginia Code This policy ensures compliance with the CAPP manual regarding travel authorization and reimbursement.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy governs all employee business-related travel and cost reimbursements. This also applies to reimbursable expenses of contracted work where the contract stipulates the payment of travel expenses.
  4. Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    Business Travel Expenses: Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred while traveling on Richard Bland College business.
  2. Procedures 
    This policy describes general guidelines for authorization and reimbursement of business travel expenses.Full travel policies, procedures, and forms are maintained at all times at: and travel with estimated expenses equal to or greater than $1,000, or out-of-state travel, must be pre-approved by the President or an authorized designee. Business Travel with estimated expenses ranging from $100-1,000 must be pre-approved by senior administrator of the department responsible for those expenses. Failure to obtain such approvals may result in non-reimbursement of the resulting expenses.Eligible expenses are processed through one of several processes – the procurement process, the Central BOA Visa Card, the BOA Visa IL Card, or out-of-pocket reimbursement. A travel advance may be requested. These requests are reviewed and approved by the Chief Business Officer. Reimbursement of out-of-pocket business travel expenses incurred occurs through the travel expense reimbursement voucher process. The submitting employee must complete the form along with the additional documentation. The documentation is then reviewed and approved by the department manager and routed to the Finance Office. Reimbursement is processed through accounts payable.For budgetary and quality control purposes, these procedures ensure that all business travel expenses always have at least one level of review (often multiple levels).

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2020 Cash Controls and Management

Policy Number: 2020
Policy Name: Cash Controls and Management
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All cash controls and management shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    As part of the Richard Bland College (RBC) shared governance structure, the RBC committee reports to the William & Mary Board of Visitors.This policy is intended to ensure that adequate finance procedures are maintained.This policy provides the general guidelines for controlling cash items (checks, currency, and coin).
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All College employees should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts
Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Cash Controls and ManagementFinanceChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    Internal Controls Framework

    • Control Environment: sets the tone for the organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control.
    • Risk Assessment: the identification and analysis of relevant risks to the achievement of objectives, forming a basis for how the risks should be managed
    • Information and Communication: systems or processes that support the identification, capture, and exchange of information in a form and timeframe that enable people to carry out their responsibilities
    • Control Activities: the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out.
    • Monitoring: processes used to assess the quality of internal control performance over time.
  2. Procedures 
    It is College policy to minimize the number of departments collecting cash items. Each collection point may have different requirements for cash item collection and may use different numbers of employees. However, there are several basic rules of control that must be followed. All College employees involved with cash item collection should both be aware of, and comply with, these rules.The basic rules governing receipt of cash items are:

    • All cash items received must be recorded immediately and deposited as follows:
      • Deposit within 24 hours to Cashiers office is required for total receipts exceeding $100.
      • Weekly deposit is required for all receipts. Items must be properly secured—preferably in a departmental safe or in a locked file cabinet, desk, or cash box.
    • Cash items on hand and in the departmental account must be accurately stated and controlled by appropriate safeguards.
    • Departmental systems and procedures must provide adequate and appropriate controls over the receipt, storage, and deposit of cash items.
    • Only College employees, no volunteers or students, can handle cash.

    Note: All cash operations are subject to review by the Board of Visitor’s internal (William & Mary) and the College’s external auditors. Therefore, ensure that all receipts can be related to a deposit, and that all deposits can be directly traced to supporting documentation.

    Basic Controls for the Receipt of Cash Items

    • All cash collection locations must be approved by the Chief Business Officer.
    • Ensure all rates used for pricing are approved in advance by the appropriate senior administrator responsible for the area.
    • Ensure that responsibility for cash items from time of receipt to time of deposit is clearly defined and documented.
    • Only the minimum number of employees should handle cash from receipt to deposit.
    • Ensure proper separation of duties exists.
    • Cash item handling, record keeping, and reconciliations should be assigned to different people.
      • Pre numbered tickets should be used and reconciliation between beginning ticket and ending ticket for each event to cash collected. This must be auditable.
    • Issue a receipt for every currency transaction (and for checks, if possible) with either a College-approved, pre-numbered receipt or a cash register-generated receipt.
    • Ensure all transfers of cash items between persons—either within the office, between offices, or between the College and the bank—are documented (and signed by both persons, if possible).
    • Do not mail currency or coins to the College Cashiers Office. If locked bags are needed, contact the College Cashiers Office.
    • Do not make disbursements from undeposited receipts. Keep undeposited receipts intact.
    • Ensure the safeguarding of cash items. Cash storage guidelines are as follows:
Amount StoredPreferredAcceptableUnacceptable
Less than $100Locked desk, locked file cabinet, or secured cash register while in useLocked boxNot Secured
More than $100Deposited with Cashier’s officeDeposited with Cashier’s officeLocked desk, locked file cabinet, locked box, or not secured
      • Access to undeposited cash items should be restricted to the minimum number of persons.
      • Deposit College funds only into appropriate College accounts, not into accounts such as: Personal bank accounts, College checking accounts not authorized by the Chief Business Officer, or Petty cash accounts.
      • Keep College and personal funds separate.
      • Deliver deposits directly to the Cashiers Office. Intermediate stops, overnight layovers, and taking deposits home for next morning deposit are not allowed. Ensure employees are escorted when making large deposits ($500 or more).< /li>
      • Collect and report sales tax as appropriate.
      • Each individual department must document the entire departmental procedure for handling cash items for clarity and for training purposes. This document must be forwarded to the Finance Department for review.

Please adhere to the following policies and procedures in the administration of the petty cash fund. This policy will detail the authorized use of petty cash funds and restrictions on purchases.

      1. Petty cash funds must be held in a locked cash drawer or a locking cash box. The primary key to the locked storage should be held by the fund custodian. A secondary key to the box should be retained by the department head in the event of an absence of the primary custodian.
      2. The total amount of the petty cash fund must always be equal to the amount of cash on hand plus any unreimbursed amounts.
      3. Petty cash funds should always be kept away from any other financial transactions in the department. To discourage theft, avoid dispensing money from the cash box in the presence of persons requesting money. Petty cash funds should be counted on a daily basis if transactions to such have occurred.
      4. Locked box should be kept in a locked drawer, safe or filing cabinet. Funds must always be secured when the custodian leaves the office. Keys to the locked box should be kept in the possession of the custodian at all times and not left untended in desks or drawers overnight. The fund custodian and the department head can be held jointly liable for uninsured losses that occur as a result of failure to follow these procedures.
      5. In the event of a theft of the petty cash funds, the custodian should immediately notify the Department of Campus Safety and Police first, followed by the Chief Business Officer and Internal Audit at the College of William and Mary.
      6. In the event of a departure of the fund custodian or department head assigned to a petty cash fund, the keys to the secure cash box must be returned to the appropriate departmental authority. The appropriate person should conduct a final count of the petty cash funds, and the maintenance form should be completed and signed before a new custodian assumes control of the funds. This same process should be used in the event of an extended absence by either the fund custodian or department head and again when the custodian returns to duty.

An employee who makes authorized purchases on behalf of the College may be reimbursed for the purchase. Please adhere to the following policies and procedures on the authorized use of your petty cash funds:

      1. Typical allowable transaction types include office supplies, lab supplies, local parking reimbursements, mailing services, copy services and photo services.
      2. All employee purchases must first be authorized by the Chief Business Officer or his/her designee. The following types of transactions are not generally allowable:
        1. Payment of sales or excise taxes on any purchases made in Virginia, as the College is a tax-exempt organization.
        2. Cashing of any personal checks and/or personal loans.
        3. Purchases required to be reported in a specific manner such as personnel services, travel expenses, payroll advances, and business meals. These types of expenditures need to be reimbursed through the Accounts Payable Office.
        4. Meals or entertainment.
        5. Advertising
        6. Alcoholic beverages or tobacco of any kind or any type of controlled substance.
        7. Chemicals or other types of hazardous materials.
        8. Donations, flowers, letterhead, business cards, or envelopes
        9. Professional services.
        10. Telephones or cell phones.
        11. Weapons and ammunition
      3. Once the purchase has been made, the employee should submit the original receipt for the purchase to the fund custodian. This receipt should include the vendor’s name, the date of the purchase, the items purchased, the price per item, and the total price.
      4. The fund custodian should submit to the Accounts Payable Department a vendor payment request to replenish the fund. This process should be handled in a timely manner and should allow ample time for processing so that funds are not depleted before the reimbursement arrives. When processing the check request, ORIGINAL receipts must be attached to the Vendor Payment Request Form. Once processed, the Accounts Payable Department will return a check to the department for the amount of the request.

In the event that the department head determines that the petty cash fund is no longer desired, notification should be made to the Cashier’s Office. Final reimbursement requests should be processed and received from Accounts Payable. Once the checks have been received, the check along with any remaining cash on hand should be brought to the Cashier’s Office and receipted by the Cashier into the Banner fund. In the event of a shortage, the appropriate departmental fund must be charged to bring the balance to the full amount needed to close the fund.

Should you have any questions about these procedures, please contact the Chief Business Officer.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020


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2030 Purchases of Goods, Services, and Supplies

Policy Number: 2030
Policy Name: Purchases of Goods, Services, and Supplies
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All requests for goods, services, and/or supplies must comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) found at, as well as applicable requirements from the Virginia Department of General Services.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To the end that public bodies in the Commonwealth obtain high quality goods and services at reasonable cost, that all procurement procedures be conducted in a fair and impartial manner with avoidance of any impropriety or appearance of impropriety, that all qualified vendors have access to public business and that no offer or be arbitrarily or capriciously excluded, it is the intent of the General Assembly that competition be sought to the maximum feasible degree, that procurement procedures involve openness and administrative efficiency, that individual public bodies enjoy broad flexibility in fashioning details of such competition, that the rules governing contract awards be made clear in advance of the competition, that specifications reflect the procurement needs of the purchasing body rather than being drawn to favor a particular vendor, and that the purchaser and vendor freely exchange information concerning what is sought to be procured and what is offered. Public bodies may consider best value concepts when procuring goods and nonprofessional services, but not construction or professional services. The criteria, factors, and basis for consideration of best value and the process for the consideration of best value shall be as stated in the procurement solicitation.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees of the College who purchase goods, services, and supplies for work-related purposes and/or with College funds.
  4. Related Documents
    Virginia Public Procurement Act, Virginia Code §§ 2.2-4300 et seq.
    Department of General Services, Division of Purchase and Supply
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone Number
FinanceChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions
    “Goods” means all material, equipment, supplies, printing, and automated data processing hardware and software.“Services” means any work performed by an independent contractor wherein the service rendered does not consist primarily of acquisition of equipment or materials, or the rental of equipment, materials, and supplies.
  2. Procedures 
    1. Requests for the purchase of supplies and equipment from outside vendors are submitted to the Business Office on a Requisition for Purchases form.
    2. The appropriate supervisor must approve all requests.
    3. Purchase authorization must be obtained for all purchases above $50, or they become the employee’s personal responsibility.
    4. Provide complete information as required by the form.
    5. See the Business Office for additional information and purchasing policies.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2040 Delegations of Purchasing Authority

Policy Number: 2040
Policy Name: Delegations of Purchasing Authority
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    This policy is structured to support the mission of Richard Bland College and to comply with the principals of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and are in compliance with the individually adopted, “Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is to ensure the existence and maintenance of sound financial management procedures regarding purchasing.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All employees must abide by this policy.
  4. Related Documents
    eVA: Virginia’s eProcurement Portal:
    RBC Office of Finance and Administration:
    Virginia CAAP Topic 20360
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100 ext. 8560
  1. Definitions
    Procurement: The acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source.eVA: Virginia’s online, electronic procurement system. This web-based vendor registration and purchasing system allows state agencies, colleges, universities and many local governments to use eVA to conduct all purchasing and sourcing activities for goods and services.
  2. Procedures
    Richard Bland College procurement and surplus property policies are governed by the Virginia Public Procurement Act and policies and procedures established by the Department of General Services, Division of Purchases and Supply, as stated in the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual. The Procurement Manager is responsible for the procurement functions and reports to the Chief Financial Officer. Goods are procured through EVA – Approval structures are maintained in eVA by Procurement Manager.Procurement forms, including purchase requisition, are maintained at Chief Financial Officer reviews and approves any requisitions greater than $50,000.Purchasing and Surplus Property Authority
    Richard Bland College has been delegated purchasing authority up to $50,000 for goods and printing services, and unlimited purchasing authority for services. All agency purchase orders and standard agency contracts shall be approved by the designated procurement manager, the Agency Head, or an authorized designee.Capital outlay projects and professional services are procured using the procurement policies set forth in the Construction and Professional Services Manual. These processes are managed by the Director of Capital Assets and Operations. The Director of Capital Assets and Operations reports to the President. All capital outlay or professional services contracts will be approved by either the President or the Chief Financial Officer.The Director of Capital Assets and Operations is responsible for maintenance, security, storage, and distribution of surplus property.Designated Procurement Personnel
    Athletics Coaches are authorized to make travel-related lodging and food purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. These charges are approved only for Athletics’ teams travel. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.Athletics Director is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland college appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.Assistants to the senior administrators are each authorized to make purchases with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. Payment(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card, or requested through Accounts Payable by the use of a purchase order. Purchase orders generated for non-cash and carry transactions will be processed via eVA, or Banner. If the procurement is exempt from eVA, the requisition will be given to the Procurement Manager for processing. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Assistant to the Director of Capital Assets and Operations is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland college appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.

    Enrollment Services Counselor is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.

    Grounds Supervisor is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Supervisor is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Technician (Electrician) is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Technician (General) is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Procurement Manager is authorized to make purchases with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. Payment(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card, or requested through Accounts Payable by the use of a purchase order. Purchase orders generated for non-cash and carry transactions will be processed via eVA, Banner, or MPO, if exempt from eVA. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2050 Signature Authority for Bank Accounts

Policy Number: 2050
Policy Name: Signature Authority for Bank Accounts
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All Signature authorities for bank accounts shall be managed in accordance with this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is intended to ensure that adequate review and controls are in place around the disbursement cycle.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All Accounting and Finance employees must adhere to this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
FinanceChief Business Officer(804)862-6100, ext. 8560
  1. Definitions
    Internal Controls Framework Control Environment-sets the tone for the organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control.Risk Assessment-the identification and analysis of relevant risks to the achievement of objectives, forming a basis for how the risks should be managed.Information and Communication-systems or processes that support the identification, capture, and exchange of information in a form and time frame that enable people to carry out their responsibilities.Control Activities-the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out.Monitoring-processes used to assess the quality of internal control performance over time.
  2. Procedures
    Authorized signatory listings for CARS and CIPPS Transaction Certification are maintained through DOA Form DA-04-121. Commonwealth and Auxiliaries checks are distributed at the VA Treasury.Local checks and backup are all reviewed and approved by the Chief Financial Officer.Signature authority for all Bank of Southside accounts is maintained through letter signature template. They are updated at the time of any changes.As an additional level of control, Foundation checks and backup all require dual review and approval. These checks are signed by the Chief Financial Officer and the RBC President.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2060 Budget Management Policy

Policy Number: 2060
Policy Name: Budget Management Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement 

It is the policy of Richard Bland College of William & Mary to have a balanced budget each fiscal year. All budgetary organizations (as defined by the four-digit BANNER org code) must not have a deficit balance at fiscal year-end. Budgets with a deficit balance at year end may be reduced in the following year by a corresponding amount.  All employees should follow the Virginia Commonwealth Accounting Policy & Procedures (CAPP) Manual for any topic specifically not covered by this policy.  Any remaining budgeted funds at fiscal year-end do not roll over into the next fiscal year and revert back to the College.

A. Budget Process

  1. The Office of Finance will distribute Budget Development Packages, to include budget worksheets, instructions, and other necessary information to the established departmental Budget Managers during the fall semester.
  1. Budget Managers will create a budget request for the expenses needed within their budget organizations for the upcoming year using a zero-based budgeting approach. Requested budget expenses should have an explanation justifying how the item supports the College’s Strategic Plan. Departmental budget requests should be submitted to the Office of Finance by established due dates. Any budgetary organizations that do not submit a request may not have an operating budget loaded for that fiscal year, or the budget may be determined by the Office of Finance.
  1. The Office of Finance will compile and review all budget submissions and will work with various departments to analyze budget requests. Budget hearings will be held, if necessary, during the spring semester to determine what requests should be eliminated reduced to produce a balanced budget.
  1. The balanced budget is presented to the President and/or President’s Council to review. Once approved by the President, the budget it then submitted to the Board of Visitors for approval, usually in April.  Budget Managers will be notified of final approved departmental budgets, at which time no new budget submissions can be made.
  1. Budget Managers, Departmental Administrators, and Office of Finance staff should review budget and expense information in Banner for accuracy and to ensure sufficient expenditure budget is available to support the fiscal year activities.

B. Budget Deficit

  1. Budget deficits are prohibited unless the deficit has been pre-authorized by the Chief Business Officer.
  1. For all unauthorized deficits, the college department will be asked to identify funds that will be used to eliminate the deficit. Those funds can come only from other budget organizations that have excess budgeted amounts approved for similar expenditures.
  1. Budget Managers and/or Department Heads may transfer funds within or between budgets under their control, with the exception of salary lines or funds budgeted for a specific/restricted purpose (grants, debt service, etc.).
  1. For any budgetary organization that has a deficit balance at the end of the fiscal year, the budget for the next fiscal year may be reduced by a corresponding amount.

C. Budget Manager Responsibility

  1. Employees who have been assigned budget responsibility must ensure their budgets are utilized for the purpose intended.
  1. Budget Managers are not authorized to expend funds in excess of their total approved organizational budget.
  1. All Budget Managers must comply with state and federal regulations as well as adhere to the procedures and guidelines established by the Office of Finance.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for approving expenses within their appropriate budget organizations. The Chief Business Officer has overall responsibility for ensuring that the College as a whole remains within authorized budget levels, and reserves the right to restrict expenses for cash flow management and overall budgetary purposes.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for working with their appropriate Departmental Head in creating an operating budget request for submission to the Office of Finance during the yearly Budget Development process. Budget Managers are responsible for submitting their departmental budgets to the Office of Finance by established due dates.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for reviewing information in Banner Finance for accuracy and ensuring that sufficient expenditure budget is available to support the fiscal year activities.

D. Budget Monitoring

  1. Department budgets are available for viewing by Budget Managers online via Banner. The Office of Finance provides training workshops covering the budget process and budget monitoring at least once a year. Individual training is also offered for new employees and as requested.
  1. The Office of Finance may conduct budget reviews monthly, in which time Budget Managers are informed of any budget having a deficit balance.
  1. For all unauthorized deficits, the Budget Manager will be asked to correct the deficit. If the excess budget is not managed by the same Budget Manager/Department Head, approval from both Budget Managers is needed on the Budget Transfer Form.

II. Reason for Policy

The Budget Management Policy outlines the responsibilities of college employees for monitoring and controlling operating budgets. This policy provides information to employees regarding the budget process, how to manage budget deficits should they occur, and establishes general guidelines for Budget Managers regarding the institution’s departmental operating budgets.  This policy is intended to facilitate cash flow management throughout the fiscal year and to help the College adhere to the expenses parameters approved by the Board of Visitors.

III. Definitions

Budget Deficit: when the total actual expenses are greater than the total budgeted

Budget Manager: an employee assigned the task of being responsible for the maintenance of departmental budgets

Zero-based Budget: a budgeting method in which all expenses must be justified and approved for each new period, not based on historical actual amounts

IV.  Applicability of the Policy

All RBC employees should be familiar with this policy, which is applicable to employees and Budget Managers who request and/or approve expenses to their appropriate budget organization code.

V. Related Documents

VI. Contacts 

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of FinanceBudget Office804-862-6100 ext.

VII. Procedures

Procedures can be found via Banner User Guides, the CAPP Manual, in the Budget Manager’s Handbook, and by contacting the Office of Finance.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2020

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2070 Records Retention

Policy Number: 2070
Policy Name: Records Retention
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    All College documents shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. Public records are to be adequately protected and maintained, and records that are no longer needed are to be discarded at the proper times in accordance with the applicable Records Retention Schedule. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the administration of these policies and schedules, and every RBC employee must comply.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Documents must be maintained in accordance with the applicable Library of Virginia Records Retention Schedule.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees.
  4. Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents
    Library of Virginia general schedules provide detailed records retention guidance, including scheduled retention periods for state agencies:GS-101 Administrative Records Fiscal Records:

    GS-103 Personnel Records:

    GS-108 Fire, Safety, and Security:

    GS-111 College and University Student Records:

    GS-113 Information Technology:

  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeProvost(804)
  1. Definitions
    “Public record” or “record” means recorded information that documents a transaction or activity by or with any College employee or contractor. Regardless of physical form or characteristic, the recorded information is a public record if it is produced, collected, received, or retained in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business. Electronic records, including email, are public records.“Records Retention Schedule” is the policy that depicts how long public records must be kept, as well as the disposal guidelines for these records.
  2. Procedures
    College documentation is typically maintained in administrative offices, and the length of retention depends on the type of document.Managers shall ensure that documents related to their functional areas are retained and maintained appropriately as required by the applicable schedules. Documents containing proprietary information shall be discarded through shredding. As an environmentally-friendly agency, documents that do not contain proprietary information are recycled when possible.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Revised July 1, 2020


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Policy Manual

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