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Athletics Dinner with The Heights Baptist/FCA

Ernst 107

The Heights Baptist Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be providing dinner and a message for our athletes interested in attending. It will occur the second Thursday of each month. We will use Ernst room 107 and Auditorium.

Resume and Handshake Workshop

Ernst 107

Need help with creating a Resume or need some help looking for a job or internship. Come see the Learner Mentors as they will review resumes and overview of the Handshake application to help with internship and job searches.

Athletics Dinner with The Heights Baptist/FCA

Ernst 107

The Heights Baptist Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be providing dinner and a message for our athletes interested in attending. It will occur the second Thursday of each month. We will use Ernst room 107 and Auditorium.

Mindfulness Mondays

Ernst 107

Join FLITE sponsored by the Office on Violence Against Women to learn about and participate in mindfulness activities that benefit mental health and wellbeing with

Athletics Dinner with The Heights Baptist/FCA

Ernst 107

The Heights Baptist Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be providing dinner and a message for our athletes interested in attending. It will occur the second Thursday of each month. We will use Ernst room 107 and Auditorium.

Athletics Dinner with The Heights Baptist/FCA

Ernst 107

The Heights Baptist Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be providing dinner and a message for our athletes interested in attending. It will occur the second Thursday of each month. We will use Ernst room 107 and Auditorium.

Tips & Tricks

Ernst 107

Come out and learn about some tips for success from the Learner Mentors! Snacks will be provided!

Mental Health First Aid Training Event

Ernst 107

To equip individuals with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of mental health.Mental Health First Aid Training Event

Mental Health First Aid Training

Ernst 107

To equip individuals with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of mental health.

Degree Planning & Organization

Ernst 107

Need some help staying organized or how to plan your degree? Come enjoy some snacks and meet with the Learner Mentor team and discuss resources to help you stay organized!