Statesman Scholar Rachel Freeman

When I graduated from high school, I was unsure of what I wanted to be and believed traveling would help me discover my passion. I spent four years in Europe, visiting France, Spain and the Netherlands. My experiences abroad nurtured a passion for teaching. I wanted to give back but knew getting a strong college education was crucial before I could pursue it as a career.
My grandmother, who teaches at a nearby college, recommended that I attend Richard Bland College of William & Mary (RBC) because of its outstanding reputation for building strong academic foundations and then allowing students to transfer to a good four-year school. Enrolling at RBC was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Not only is it affordable, but the school also has great professors and administrators. Everyone on campus is passionate and knowledgeable about their respective fields and is always willing to help. They have become role models for the kind of teacher I want to become.
I have gained life lessons and become a more confident and social person thanks to the Promise Scholars program. It also means my dreams can move forward after graduating from RBC. I will attend William & Mary next year with little debt.
I am always looking to increase my worldwide knowledge and learn about fascinating traditions. By being a part of the ASPIRE community and the school’s international club, I interact with students from all over the world. I teach them American cultures, and they share their own. It’s a win-win, and RBC fosters an environment for students to think globally.
My dream is to join DODEA, a government agency that teaches at military bases around the world. I want to improve education systems and inspire others while helping and motivating underprivileged students who do not get the opportunities or attention they deserve. I am fortunate to be transferring to William & Mary next year and want to share my academic and global experiences with a new legion of students eager to learn, just like myself.