Abstracts in Social Gerontology is a bibliographic database containing information covering psychology of aging, elder abuse, society and the elderly, and other key areas relevant to geriatric studies.
Format:AbstractsPublication Dates:1930 - present
Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary database that contains many peer-reviewed journals. This is a good place to start for most topics.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1887 - present
This collection was developed in conjunction with the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) to preserve endangered serials related to African American religious life and culture. The collection includes more than 170 titles related to African American life and culture, 60,000 pages of searchable primary source content, reports and annuals from African American religious organizations and social service agencies, as well as African American periodicals, and coverage of African American religious organizations, churches and institutions.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:1829-1922
Includes poems written by African-Americans. Based on William French’s bibliography, Afro-American Poetry and Drama, 1760-1975.
Format: Full-textPublication Dates:1760 - 1993
Vendor:Chadwyck-Healey, UVA
Select which of EBSCO’s databases you’d like to search, or search them all at once.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Focuses on complementary, holistic, and alternative health care.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1984 - present
Indexes articles on the history of the United States and Canada.
Format:Selected Full-text; mostly abstractsPublication Dates:1864 - present
The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) collection contains the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912. Specialized collections cover advertising, health, women’s issues, science, the history of slavery, industry and professions, religious issues, culture and the arts, and more.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:1684-1912
Full-text database of articles published by the American Chemical Society, such as the Journal of Chemical Education and Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1879 - present
Vendor:American Chemical Society
Includes a wide range of documentaries (like those from The History Channel), newsreels, and other archival footage. It currently has over 5,700 videos in its collection, equaling over 1,400 hours of footage.
Format:Streaming VideoPublication Dates:1898 - 2010
Vendor:Alexander Street Press
Access issues published from 1996 to present. (via Project Muse)
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1960s - present
Vendor:Johns Hopkins University Press
Access full-text of articles from issues published 1997-present.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates: Varies by title
Vendor:HighWire Press
Latest mathematical scholarship published by the American Mathematical Society.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:Varies by title
Vendor:American Mathematical Society
Includes poems by some of the most influential American poets.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1625 - 1993
Vendor:Chadwyck-Healey, UVA
American Sociological Review (ASR) publishes original works general sociology, new theoretical developments, results of research that advance understanding of fundamental social processes, and important methodological innovations.
Format:Full textPublication Dates:1936-12 months ago
Covers research literature in psychology and related disciplines. ABSTRACTS ONLY!
Publication Dates:1880s - present
Vendor:American Psychological Association
Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 1: LGBTQ History Since 1940 I and Gale Archives of Sexuality & Gender 2: LGBTQ History Since 1940 II. With material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local, grassroots groups, the documents in the Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 present important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. The archive illuminates the experiences not just of the LGBTQ community as a whole, but of individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations, and geographical locations that constitute this community. Historical records of political and social organizations founded by LGBTQ individuals are featured, as well as publications by and for lesbians and gays, and extensive coverage of governmental responses to the AIDS crisis. The archive also contains personal correspondence and interviews with numerous LGBTQ individuals, among others.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1940 - present
Designed specifically for the needs of two-year colleges, this databases covers a broad range of topics such as alcohol and drug abuse counseling, biotechnology, electrical technology, health information technology, law enforcement and criminal justice, and more.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1985 - present
Access to all Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) publications. Includes news and research in information technology and computer science.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1950s - present; most content is 1980s - present
Vendor:Association for Computing Machinery
Journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by scientific societies and other nonprofit organizations.
Format:Full-texPublication Dates:1999 - present
Covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics. In addition to journals, you can find financial data, investment research reports, case studies, and company profiles.
Format:Selected Full Text
Publication Dates:1886 - present
More than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. CPU publishes over 50,000 titles by authors from over 100 countries. Its publishing includes academic journals, monographs, reference works, school and university textbooks, and English language teaching and learning publications.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:University Press
Child Development & Adolescent Studies includes all issues of Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography from 1927 to 2001, previously published by the Society for Research in Child Development, and new coverage on child rights and welfare issues. It includes more than 417,000 records with over 18,000 new records added each year.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1908 - present
(Cumulative Indexing to Nursing and Allied Health) – Topics include nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and allied health.
Format:Selected full-text
Publication Dates:1981 - present
Indexing and abstracts for articles, books and other publications in nursing and allied health. Virtually all English language publications are indexed, along with publications of the American Nursing Association and the National League for Nursing. Also includes coverage of some health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters, as well as Evidence-Based Care Sheets. Searchable cited references for more than 1,250 journals are also included.
Format:Index and Abstracts/ Full TextPublication Dates:1981 - present
The Civil War Primary Source Documents collection provides firsthand perspectives from hospitals and prison camps and reactions to the War from the home front. While focus is placed on the War years, this resource also includes important contextual documents in the crucial years leading up to the War and after the fall of the Confederacy. Primary resources include letters, diaries, administrative records, photographs and illustrations. Personal accounts appear in various scrapbook journals and family portraits.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:1861-1865
Communication, journalism, and mass media studies.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1915-present
Provides access to academic and professional publications on computer theory and systems, new technologies, and social and professional context of the computing and applied sciences disciplines.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1965 - present
Current consumer-oriented health information covering all areas of health and wellness.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Current editions
Searchable full text of the current handbook, critically evaluated chemical and physical data, as well as structure drawing and searching.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Current Edition
Vendor:Taylor & Francis
Criminology is a full text journal covering research in criminology, penology, and criminal justice.
Format:Full textPublication Dates:1997-present
Criminology is a full text journal covering research in criminology, penology, and criminal justice.
Format:Full textPublication Dates:1997-present
Digital Theatre+, which includes over 600 productions, from musicals to literary classics and in a range of formats including captured theatre, films, TV adaptations, audio theatre and poetry recitals; more than 800 video resources such as interactive workshops, dynamic e-learning videos, and exclusive interviews, lectures and documentaries; and over 21,000 pages of written resources, from accessible guides to essays to ready-made teaching resources, written by educators for educators.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Disability in the Modern World is a landmark online collection that fills the gap in academic literature about the community and contributions of people who experience disability, with a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich study in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. Disability in the Modern World includes primary sources, supporting materials, archives, documentaries, and interviews. The content is essential for teaching and research not only in the growing discipline of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked. Disability in the Modern World will include 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video, and it was a 2020 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice. This is a perpetual access purchase.
Format:Abstracts/FulltextPublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor: ProQuest
Full-text articles published by Duke University Press, such as American Literature and Theater.
Format: Selected Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by title
Vendor:Duke University Press
Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press on a continuous basis. This collection includes AP Top News, WorldStream, Financial News, AP Online, U.S. Politics & Government and 50 State Reports. The index to the full text content in AP News is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Provides near real-time access to thousands of top news feeds from around the globe. This collection includes over 5,000 feeds across a range of business and general news topics.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Comprehensive, indexed bibliography of economics literature from around the world with selected abstracts of the world’s economic literature.
Format:AbstractsPublication Dates: 1969 - present
Index with abstracts to the world’s economic literature, compiled from the American Economic Association’s Journal of Economic Literature. Coverage from 1963 to 1968 is available in paper copy as Journal of Economic Abstracts in JSTOR.
Format:Index and Abstracts/ Full TextPublication Dates:1969 - present
Topics covered include multilingual education, health education, testing, curriculum instruction, policy, funding, and other educational issues.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1865 - present
Bibliographic coverage of the international serial and non-serial literature for research in civil, earthquake, environmental, mechanical, transportation engineering, forensic engineering, engineering services, education, theoretical mechanics and dynamics, mathematics/computation, design, construction, and latest technological developments. ABSTRACT ONLY!
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Searchable full-text poems in English from Anglo-Saxon times to the end of the nineteenth century by writers from the British Isles. Works in English by Welsh, Scottish, and Irish poets are included.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates: 1500s - present
Vendor:Chadwyck-Healey, UVA
Searchable full text of over 2,200 works acted on or intended for the stage, which are either wholly or predominantly in verse. Based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature.
Publication Dates:1500s - present
Vendor:Chadwyck-Healey, UVA
Handbooks in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, also telecommunications.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Current Editions
Vendor:Taylor & Francis
Topics include agriculture, ecosystem, ecology, renewable energy sources, marine and freshwater science, geography, natural resources, pollution and waste management, environment law, urban planning, and more.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1888 - present
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, includes both journal articles and documents (research reports, teaching guides, etc.) related to education research and resources. ABSTRACTS ONLY!
Format:AbstractsPublication Dates:1966 - present
Citations to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750, covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples. Based on the bibliography European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750 by John Alden and Dennis Landis.
Format:CitationsPublication Dates:1493 - 1750
World news and business information, including information on US and foreign companies, stock prices, currency data, and financial profiles for companies worldwide. Newswires, newspaper, and magazine articles.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1951 - present
With bibliographic records covering topics like marriage, divorce, and family therapy, Family Studies Abstracts is an excellent source for researchers interested in learning more about the many facets of this discipline. Scholars within this field are treated to a wide array of unique content, as well as highly regarded works made popular in the realm of family studies.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1895 - present
Films on Demand is a streaming video collection with 24/7 unlimited access to thousands of videos in art, business, health, humanities, science, social sciences, and more.
Format:Streaming VideoPublication Dates:Not Applicable
Contains Spanish and Portuguese language journals on a wide variety of topics such as biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, religion, and sociology.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1920s - present
Online index of print resources such as Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.
Format:CitationsPublication Dates:Current
Literary criticism, book reviews, and biographical information on many authors. Includes essays from reference works, journals, and books.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Gateway to North America is a unique collection that contains over 800,000 pages of content from over 1,500 print and manuscript directories, member lists, travel guides and other sources, chronicling the people and organizations of New York City from the late 18th through the early 20th century.
Format:Index, Full TextPublication Dates:Late 1700’s to early 1900’s
Covers all aspects of human impact on the environment. Topics include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, recycling, and more.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1910 - present
Provides access to consumer health magazines and pamphlets, covering topics like food and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health concerns.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1984 - present
Focuses on nursing and allied health. Includes Lexi-PAL Drug Guide which provides drug patient education sheets.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1952 - present
Full-text access to journals in the sciences and social sciences, such as Journal of Applied Physiology.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by title
Vendor:HighWire Press
Index to journal articles, dissertations, and reviews of historical literature on world history, from 1450-present, excluding the U.S. and Canada, which are included in the America: History & Life database.
Format:Selected Full-text; mostly abstractsPublication Dates:1864 - present
Covers research and industry news relating to all areas of domestic and international tourism. Topics include culinary arts, demographics and statistics, hotel management, leisure and business travel, and hospitality law.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1931 - present
Multidisciplinary database for general research in the humanities. Topics include, archaeology, communications, dance, film, folklore, gender studies, history, linguistics, literary criticism, music, performing arts, philosophy, and religion.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1909 - present
Provides access to articles in the fields of engineering, electronics, and computer science.
Format:Selected full-textPublication Dates:1880s - present
Vendor:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Articles published by the Institute of Physics.
Format: Selected full-textPublication Dates:1950s - present
Vendor:Institute of Physics
Access articles from issues published from 2000-present.
Format:Full-TextPublication Dates:Varies by title
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary full-text database with articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics.
Format:Selected Full-text; mostly abstracts
Publication Dates:1864 - present
Vendor:College of William & Mary
Current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends in the legal world. Topics include criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, labor, and the environment.
Format: Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1901 - present
Multidisciplinary database for general research. Topics covered include reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues. Contains a large image collection of photos, maps, and flags.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1975 - present
Database covers the world’s mathematical literature providing reviews of mathematical research literature.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1800s - present
Vendor:American Mathematical Society
Index of Spanish and Portuguese-language medical research and investigatory journals, of which many are peer-reviewed.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1995 - present
Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
Format:Citations and AbstractsPublication Dates:2000 - present
Business and financial research. Includes company data, annual reports, factsheets, and industry reports.
Format:ReportsPublication Dates:Current
Covers current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:Varies
Index of critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics and folklore.
Format:CitationsPublication Dates:1926 - present
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts provides thousands of summaries of important law enforcement and criminal justice publications including books, government reports, research reports, journals and unpublished research. Subjects include corrections, courts, crime statistics, domestic preparedness, drugs, juvenile justice, law enforcement, victims, and more.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1970 - present
Full-text access to the journal Nature.
Format: Full-textPublication Dates:1950 - present
Vendor:Nature Publishing Group
Access author biographies, reviews of their works, interviews, and articles written about them from the New York Times. (Registration is free but required).
- Isaac Asimov
- Margaret Atwood
- James Baldwin
- John Barth
- John Cheever
- Ralph Ellison
- William Faulkner
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Joseph Heller
- Ernest Hemingway
- Doris Lessing
- Norman Mailer
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Yukio Mishima
- Toni Morrison
- Vladimir Nabokov
- Joyce Carol Oates
- Syliva Plath
- Isaac Bashevis Singer
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- Amy Tan
- Leo Tolstoy
- John Updike
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Alice Walker
- Eudora Welty
- Virginia Woolf
Publication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Not applicable
Major American newspapers, some foreign newspapers, and selected stories from US regional newspapers. Also includes television and radio news transcripts.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1980s - present
A full-text searchable, facsimile-image database which provides an as-it-happened window on events, culture, and daily life in nineteenth-century America. The collection features publications of all kinds, from the political party newspapers at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century’s end. Includes major newspapers as well as those published by African Americans, Native Americans, women’s rights groups, labor groups, the Confederacy, and other groups and interests. Also included are illustrated papers that bring the nineteenth century to life through the drawings of many artists.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1800-1899
Vendor:Gale Cengage
The O’Reilly for Higher Education digital platform includes more than 38,000 book titles and more than 30,000 hours of video. Topics range from programming to IT networking, project management, graphic design and business strategy. The content includes code snippets, certification preparation materials, practice exercises, training videos, and much more. Additional content includes learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials, and audio books.
(This represents an expansion of the Safari Technical Books.)
Publication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:O’Reilly Media
Opposing Viewpoints In Context is the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration, to marijuana. This cross-curricular research tool supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and help students develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions.
Format:Abstracts and Full TextPublication Dates:Varies
Access over 250 medical journals.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by title
Searchable, browsable full-text of the 22-volume Oxford English Dictionary. Use Find Word for definitions. Use Advanced Search for etymological searches. Click “Thesaurus” to search the Pocket Oxford American Thesaurus for synonyms.
Format: Full-textPublication Dates:Current Edition
Vendor:Oxford University Press
Includes over 200 reference books covering art, the sciences, literature, history, law, the performing arts, religion, computing, economics and business, general reference, and much more.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by title; current editions
Vendor:Oxford University Press
Peace Research Abstracts provide bibliographic records covering essential topics related to peace analysis including conflict resolution, international affairs, and peace psychology.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1964 - present
Political Science Complete provides extensive coverage of global political topics with a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse. Also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations, and political theory.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:- Present
Contains journals in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1960s - present
Vendor:Johns Hopkins University Press
Includes over 750 full-text journals in the area of computer science.
Format:Abstracts/Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by database
Doctoral dissertations and master’s theses from around the world.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1960s - present
Includes the full-text databases, Agricultural Science Collection, Aquatic Science Collection, Atmosopheric Science Collection, Biological Science Collection, Computer Science Collection, Environmental Science Collection, and Materials Science Collection. This collection also includes over 30 abstract-only databases in various scientific fields.
Format:Abstracts/Full-textPublication Dates:Varies by database
Comprehensive database covering topics related to emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1930s - present
Public Administration Abstracts contains indexes and abstracts covering essential areas related to public administration, including public administration theory, administration and economy, administration and politics, administration and society, administrative structures and organization, public and social services, public service personnel, theory, and methods.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1974 - present
With a singular focus on relationship between and among races, Race Relations Abstracts includes abstracting for the top academic journals, books, periodicals and newspapers in the field.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1975 - present
Comprehensive coverage of more than 80 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1984 - present
Topics include world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy, and the history of philosophy.
Format:Selected Full-textPublication Dates:1911 - present
This collection, developed in conjunction with the New-York Historical Society, contains handwritten volumes documenting military orders, movements and engagements by brigade, regiment, company and other specific military units between 1748 and 1817. The content in Orderly Books provides detailed accounts of troops’ daily lives, documenting everything from court martial cases to the price of necessities charged by locals.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:1748-1817
Based on Joseph Sabin’s landmark bibliography, this collection contains works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1500 to the early 1900’s. Included are books, pamphlets, serials and other documents that provide original accounts of exploration, trade, colonialism, slavery and abolition, the western movement, Native Americans, military actions and much more. With over 6 million pages from 29,000 works, this collection is a cornerstone in the study of the western hemisphere.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1500-1926
Vendor:Gale Cengage
Articles on psychology and mental health.
Format: Full-textPublication Dates:2009
Vendor:Salem Press
Spanish version of Consumer Health Complete. Current consumer-oriented health information covering all areas of health and wellness.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:Current editions
Full-text access to Science Magazine, which publishes the latest scientific news, research, and opinions.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1997 - present
Vendor:American Association for the Advancement of Science
View table of contents online. This multi-volume series is available in the STACKS: PR2888 .C33. Use the contents links for each volume.
Format:Table of ContentsPublication Dates:Current
Vendor:Cambridge Press
This full-text archive consists of more than five million cross-searchable pages sourced from books, pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, legal documents, court records, monographs, manuscripts, and maps. The largest and most ambitious project of its kind, this collection is devoted to the scholarly study and understanding of slavery from a multinational perspective.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1490-1896
Vendor:Gale Cengage
Use Social Explorer to visualize and interact with data, create maps, charts, reports and downloads. Explore hundreds of thousands of built-in data indicators related to demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime and more. Social Explorer is designed to provide quick and easy access to historical census data and demographic information from 1790 to the present.
Format:Not applicablePublication Dates:Not applicable
Vendor:Social Explorer
SocINDEX with Full Text offers comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. These include criminology and criminal justice, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, social development, social psychology, sociological research, sociological theory, and many others. Journal titles include American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, and Critical Criminology.
Format:Full TextPublication Dates:- Present
Covers the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, magazines and books. Topics include assessment, best practices, continuing education, curriculum development, literacy standards, and school administration.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1984-present
The HistoryMakers Digital Archive is a collection of 2,800 full-length African American videotaped oral histories that is continually growing.
Format:Streaming audiovisualPublication Dates:1800 - present
Vendor:The HistoryMakers
Articles on people, cultural icons, and historical events of the 1960s.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1999
Vendor:Salem Press
An online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of the Times, one of the most highly regarded resources for eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century news coverage, with every page of every issue from 1785 to the current year of coverage. The archive supports research across multiple disciplines and areas of interest, including business, humanities, political science, philosophy, and numerous other subjects with coverage of all major international historical events.
Format:Full-textPublication Dates:1785-current
Vendor:Gale Cengage
Urban Studies Research includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to the study of cities and regions. This database explores such topics as urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other subjects of key relevance to the discipline.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1973 - present
Includes French-language periodicals in the areas of business and economics.
Format: Full-textPublication Dates:1971 - present
Violence & Abuse Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to violence and abuse, including family violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
Format:Index and AbstractsPublication Dates:1995 - present
Journals, books, and reference works primarily in the sciences and social sciences.
Format:Full-TextPublication Dates: Varies by title
Latest scholarship in feminist research covering disciplines such as sociology, history, political science and economy, public policy, international relations, arts and humanities, business, and education.
Format:Selected Full-text
Publication Dates:1900 - present