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RBC Celebrates Class of 2021

…not exceed more than 12 credits during the summer. Commencement exercises occur only once per year in May. The ceremony is comprised of the previous fall and current spring graduates…

XIII. Student Code of Conduct

Responsible for Maintenance: Student Conduct Coordinator…

Events Calendar

Golf Tournament

Student Handbook


I. Statement of Civility & Positive Campus Citizenship

IX. Library

XI. Solicitation

Responsible for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications  …

XVIII. Conduct Hearings

Responsible for Maintenance: Student Conduct Coordinator…

Six-Year Plan Supplemental Documents

Six-Year Plan Supplemental Documents

Silent Witness

Silent Witness is the Anonymous Crime Reporting program at Richard Bland College.

Bookstore Voucher

Student Handbook

This link will take you to the current Richard Bland College Student Handbook.

XI. Professional Development

Richard Bland College is committed to supporting professional faculty development. The College provides resources and opportunities for professional development for full- and part-time faculty. Department chairs are responsible for coordinating…

Silent Witness

Silent Witness is the Anonymous Crime Reporting program at Richard Bland College.

Student Support Team

…nothing like high school.” It’s a refrain often repeated by freshmen as they start taking classes their first semester. They find it to be more work, more difficult to understand…

Pathways to William & Mary

