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VII. Faculty Workload

A. General Responsibilities

Unless otherwise indicated herein, faculty shall, unless excused by the Chief Academic Officer, meet all assigned classes, maintain office hours which are properly posted and approved by the Chief Academic Officer, attend academic processions and convocations (can be excused only by the President), attend Faculty Assembly meetings, and attend meetings of committees of which they are members. Faculty will not be required to serve on more than four (4) institutional, faculty, peer- review, and/or ad hoc committees during an academic year.

All full-time faculty are encouraged to engage in the life of the College, and beyond the required workload. College service, community service, active membership in professional associations or societies, and scholarly research all contribute toward the vitality of the College and should be included in an individual’s annual Faculty Development Report.

Faculty proposing the addition of a new course will fill out a Proposal for New Course form and sign it. Copies of the proposal will be distributed to all members of the academic department where the course will be taught, and a meeting will be held to discuss the proposal. After the proposal has been discussed in the academic department, the faculty member will submit it to the Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee. The Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee will set a meeting date and distribute a copy of the Proposal for New Course form to all members of the faculty as part of the agenda for the meeting.

The Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee will approve or disapprove the proposed course, and submit the recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer. The Chief Academic Officer will recommend to the President either approval, with any appropriate modifications, or disapproval of the course.

One academic procession is normally held each year – on Commencement Day. Faculty members will participate and wear appropriate academic regalia. If faculty members do not own caps, gowns, and hoods, they may rent them through the College. The President may schedule additional academic processions as deemed necessary, with faculty participation required. Requests to be excused from an academic procession must be submitted in writing to the President for review and approval.

C. Faculty Absence from Class

A faculty member unable to meet a class or classes (e.g., illness or car trouble) will notify the appropriate department chair, make an effort to notify his/her students, and submit a Faculty/Staff Absence Request/Report. This report shall offer an indication of what students from the missed class(es) will do to compensate educationally for the lesson which is cancelled, if such cancellation occurs.

D. Laboratory Supervision

In all laboratory situations, the faculty member is responsible for direct supervision and instruction in the laboratory. Even though student assistants are used at times, no student will be expected to take charge of or direct the laboratory.

Faculty Handbook

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