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Appendix VII: Housing Terms & Condition

Responsible for Maintenance: Director of Residence Life

Housing and Food Service Agreement

In order to live on campus, a student must:

  1. Be admitted to Richard Bland College
  2. Be a full-time student in good academic standing
  3. Maintain a class load of at least 12 credits hours
  4. Pay all outstanding balances with the cashier’s office
  5. Pay the required room damage deposit
  6. Complete the online application for housing
  7. Sign and abide by all requirements of this agreement

Visit for housing deadline payment information

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Terms and Conditions: 2023-2024

1. Period of Agreement and Eligibility

This Agreement is for the Fall and Spring semesters of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. The student (“student” or “resident”) signing this Agreement will live in college housing with an on-campus meal plan for the entire period of the Agreement. The Agreement period begins the first scheduled date of the arrival of residential students for the Fall semester and ends with the student’s timely move-out at the end of the Spring semester (12:00PM on the day following the last college-recognized exam day) or the date of Commencement for graduating students. (See section 8 below.) A student who enrolls late and applies for housing accommodations will be bound by this Agreement for the balance of the period.

Eligibility: As indicated above, it is RBC policy that only full-time students enrolled at RBC in a degree-granting program and who have graduated from high school or the equivalent (as determined solely by RBC) are permitted to reside in campus housing. All residential students are required to maintain a class load of at least 12 credit hours.Residential students are not allowed to take solely online classes. All residential students must enroll for at least 1 in person or hybrid class. This policy is designed to maintain the commitment to an educational residential environment.There are limited exceptions to this policy as students are allowed to drop below full-time status once during their RBC tenure. Students in their final semester needing fewer than 12 credit hours to fulfill graduation requirements will be eligible for exceptions. Requests for exceptions to the 12-credit hour policy must be in writing and addressed to the office of Residence Life. Exceptions will be granted for students who only need below 12 credit hours for RBC graduation or written documentation from the Director of the

Office of Student Success. All other circumstances will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Assistant Director of Residence Life and Housing.  Exceptions are not authorized for failure to complete the online application for housing or for failure to pay outstanding balances.

By signing this Agreement, the student is bound by this Agreement, the standards contained within the Student Handbook, all RBC policies found on the RBC website, and any other policies provided in writing or email to the student. Nothing in this Agreement proscribes or limits the authority and power of Richard Bland College, its Board of Visitors, officers, and employees to establish policies, rules, and regulations, which shall be applicable upon their effective date and operate continuously unless otherwise stated. Further, RBC reserves the right to make reasonable modifications to this Agreement for personal safety or protection of property

2. Required Fees

New housing resident:

Housing Priority Deadline (Fall Semester – June 30, 2023) / (Spring Semester – October 23, 2023)

$150.00            Room Damage Deposit

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3. Payments

Room and board rates are payable by the semester. All payments must be made in accordance with due dates and process set by the business office for the payment of tuition and fees. Students must settle their account balances before moving in. Those unable to do so may be eligible for conditional move-in approval, allowing them five days to clear or satisfy their student account. Students encountering difficulties in clearing their student accounts due to specific circumstances should promptly inform the Office of Residence Life and Housing staff. They will collaborate with the offices of Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and Student Success to facilitate a conditional move-out process. This involves the student signing a conditional move-out form, wherein they commit to settling their student account by a specified deadline. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in further action. Failure to make the required payments constitutes a violation of this Agreement and can result in the loss of the student’s room assignment and meal plan.

Housing Damage Deposits can be paid online via the online housing application or via check or money order. They must include the student’s Full Name (first, middle, and last), R number (provided by Admissions), and Date of Birth. Each deposit sent should clearly indicate the type of payment being made; for example: “Room Damage Deposit”. Cash payment can be made in person at the Cashier’s Office.


In Person: Cashier’s Office Walk Up Window (Pecan Hall)

By Mail: Richard Bland College Business Office

11301 Johnson Road Prince George, VA 23805

By Phone: (804) 862-6100 ext. 8100

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4. Housing Process

Students seeking housing must submit the required fees and any outstanding business office balances prior to the official due date for said fees. If an Agreement is submitted prior to the payment, the student will be responsible for notifying the housing office by email once all required fees are paid ( Room assignments are made only after the receipt of a signed Housing & Food Service Agreement and all required fees have posted to the student’s banner account.

Rooms are to be occupied only by the person(s) properly assigned to them by Residence Life. Room assignments are not transferable, and subletting is not permitted.

Additional Provisions – If the premises become uninhabitable because of damage, fire, earthquake, accident, flood, riot, emergency, act of nature, or any reason beyond the control of RBC, this Agreement is cancelled and RBC is no longer obligated to provide housing and the student will be released from any obligation to pay fees for the time remaining on this Agreement. The Residence Life staff will make  reasonable efforts to identify and provide alternate housing for each student affected. A refund of the room fees will be made (in accordance with the schedule printed in RBC Catalog) if RBC is unable to offer alternate housing. Should any of the conditions described above result in damage or loss to personal property, loss of other items of value, or if students incur any other resulting expense, RBC will not be responsible.

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5. Roommate Requests

First-time RBC students seeking to request a particular roommate must indicate their desired roommate when completing the Housing & Food Service Agreement. Students must list each other to increase the likelihood of the roommate match being honored. Current students must complete their roommate selection during the “returning students” housing process.

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6. Single Room Requests

Single rooms are extremely limited and are assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Students interested in securing a single room must indicate the desired room preference when completing the online Housing & Food Service Agreement. Requests will be honored in order based on the date housing fees are posted to the student’s Banner account, the date the student is registered for at least 12 credit hours, and the date the student’s housing application was received. All three of these requirements must be completed, and the latest date of completion shall determine where a student is placed on the list for single rooms. When singles have been exhausted, the student will be automatically assigned a double room.

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7. Room Assignments

New students who submit their Housing & Food Service Agreement and have paid their fees by the priority deadline can expect to receive their housing assignment no later than December 15th.  Students who are placed on a waiting list will receive a room assignment according to the latest of the following: (1) the date the signed Housing & Food Service Agreement was received by Residence Life; (2) the date all required fees and outstanding business office balances were posted to their college account; AND (3) when space becomes available. Residence Life will continue to make assignments until all spaces are assigned.

ADA Accomodations for Housing and Dining


Students seeking ADA-related housing accommodations are required to submit a formal request to the college’s ADA coordinator along with appropriate documentation and a clear description of their needs. All requests must be submitted for review by July 15, 2024. The ADA coordinator, in conjunction with the Office of Residence Life and Housing, will review the request and assign housing based on the individual’s requirements, space availability, the College’s capacity to reasonably accommodate the student, and in accordance with College Policies. Richard Bland College maintains a comprehensive policy regarding emotional support animals and service animals (Policy 5160, Emotional Support and Service Animal (ESA) Policy). Students who require the assistance of a support animal due to documented emotional or physical disabilities must submit a request along with appropriate documentation to the ADA coordinator.

The ADA coordinator will collaborate with the Chief of Police and Director of Residence Life and Housing to process all ESA requests, including review of required animal vaccinations and supportive documentation to address community safety. All requests for animal-related housing accommodations must be submitted no later than July 15, 2024.

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8. Important Dates:: Dates are subject to change, See tuition and fee guide.

Dates are subject to change. See official dates on RBC website.

Early Arrivals – Richard Bland College does NOT accommodate early arrivals. Students arriving before the posted move-in date should make other, off-campus arrangements.

Move In – Failure to claim a room assignment by the designated move-in deadline can result in the student forfeiting his/her room assignment and and potential reassignment during that semester. Reassignments may be made subject to availability of rooms and at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life.

Fall Semester

New Students: August 22, 2024

Returning Students: August 23, 2024

Spring Semester

New Students: TBD

Returning Students: TBD

Vacation Periods – The residence halls are closed when the College is closed. Exemptions may be granted for student athletes or students facing temporary housing displacement.  Exemptions should be made in writing to the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

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9. Room Changes

Rooms are to be occupied only by the person(s) assigned by Residence Life. Requests for a room change must be made during the designated Room Change Period, which occurs at the conclusion of the late-registration/validation period of each semester. ORL will announce the room change period via email. Students are responsible for knowing when the Room Change Period begins and ends. If the student wishes to change his/her assignment, he/she must obtain the Room Change Form and detailed instructions from his/her RBC email. If, at ORL’s discretion the request is feasible based on room availability and ORL capacity to effect the request, ORL will grant the student’s request.

The College does not provide moving assistance for students seeking a room change. Room changes may be made to accommodate disabilities, or as interim measures related to alleged misconduct. The ADA Coordinator in collaboration with Residence Life receives and addresses requests for disability accommodations.

If a student moves without authorization, they could lose their room assignment and be charged the value of the room they moved into, up to $5,750 for an unauthorized move.

The College reserves the right at any time to (a) assign temporary housing if demand exceeds capacity; (b) alter or cancel an assignment; (c) require a student to move from one room and/or Residence Hall to another; or (d) consolidate vacant spaces / rooms to achieve maximum occupancy. Residents who refuse to consolidate are in violation of this Agreement and will be subject to loss of housing and forfeiture of housing funds paid. The meal portion of this contract may continue at the written request of the student. Those requests must be emailed to

If there is a conflict between residents that cannot be resolved amicably, the Director of Residence Life may move all parties involved.

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10. Food Service

All students living in College Housing must participate in the meal plan and will be automatically charged the approved meal plan rates. There will be no refunds for missed meals. It is the responsibility of students with special dietary needs prompted by a disability to contact the ADA Coordinator to apply for an accommodation prior to move in.

The meal plan begins on the first day of arrival of residential students in the Fall Semester and extends through the last day of spring Semester final examinations. The dining hall will be closed between semesters and during scheduled holidays and breaks (Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring).


During inclement weather closings, students should monitor their RBC email for any adjustments to the dining hall hours of operation.

Richard Bland College meal plans have been designed to accommodate the various needs of students. The meal-per-week allowance comes as part of all meal plan options and allows the student to enjoy the number of meals specified in the plan. A student can use meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in RBC’s dining hall. Each time a student receives a meal, it is subtracted from the student’s daily/weekly balance. Students have the option to purchase blocks of meals for the semester.

100 Block Meals / $200 Dining Dollars – $1,232

160 Block Meals /$250 Dining Dollars – $1,939

14 Weekly Meals / $200 Dining Dollars – $2,167

19 Weekly Meals / $175 Dining Dollars – $2,367

The 14 and 19 weekly meal plan amounts reset each week. The block meal plans carry over from week to week but reset at the end of the semester. All meal plans include dining dollars which may be used for additional meals or à la cart items. Dining dollars do not rollover from Fall to Spring semesters or between academic years. Unused meal swipes are not refundable or transferable outside of the guidelines provided in section 18.

Students who fail to select a meal plan option automatically will be assigned the standard 14 weekly meal plan. Meal plan changes will be honored only during the meal plan change period, which will be published on under residential living. There is a maximum of 5 meal swipes per day.

All residential students must have a meal plan. Residential students wishing to be exempt from having a meal plan must submit supportive medical documentation to the College’s ADA Coordinator. Non medical exemptions are reviewed on a case by cases basis by the Assistant Director of Residence Life and Housing.

11. Facility

Under the terms of this Agreement, Richard Bland College agrees to provide furnished living spaces with cable and internet connections in the Residence Halls and to provide facility maintenance as required. Residence Life will provide postal boxes for each residential student. Each hall is equipped with computer labs. Residents and their guests are prohibited from tampering with all RBC-provided computer equipment.

Students using RBC-provided computer equipment must comply with the College’s Acceptable Use Policy for Students located in the Student Handbook at All requests for room repairs can be submitted online at “My Housing”. Requests for maintenance can also be reported to Residence Life. Residents are not permitted to supplement these furnishings with their privately-owned furnishings. Privately owned furnishings shall include such things as mattresses, beds, dressers, and desks.

12.Liability, loss, damage or theft

The College will use reasonable efforts to maintain the residence halls in a secure and stable fashion. The College assumes no responsibility for injury to persons, or loss of or damage to items of personal property that occurs in its buildings, on its grounds, prior to, during, or subsequent to the terms of this contract. The student agrees to accept full responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

The purchase or expansion of household content or renter’s insurance is recommended to cover personal belongings prior to the resident’s move-in at the College.

The student agrees to cooperate with their roommate in the common protection of their property. Room doors are to be locked at all times. Students are prohibited from lending room keys or RBC cards to any other person. Failure to comply with this directive constitutes a violation of this Agreement, and any such violation resulting in a loss of safety or property may be grounds for terminating this Agreement with forfeiture of monies paid.

The student agrees to remove any personal effects, valuables, or other property from the Residence Halls after expiration of the Housing & Food Service Agreement period. Any property or items not claimed within 5 days after the end of such period, may be considered abandoned and become the property of Richard Bland College.

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13. Residence Hall Maintainance

Residents are responsible for maintaining established standards of cleanliness and safety throughout the building. Specifically, residents are solely responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their rooms and apartments, including living room areas and bathrooms. Residents are responsible for notifying Residence Life staff directly and promptly of any maintenance needs or extermination issues that need to be addressed. Maintenance staff and designated contractors are authorized to enter into occupied spaces for the purpose of addressing maintenance and or housekeeping concerns. Maintenance and extermination requests are to be submitted through your My Housing Account.

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14. Damages

The student is responsible for the condition of the assigned room and all furnishings and shall reimburse the College for all damages to or loss of these furnishings beyond ordinary wear and tear. Common area repair costs resulting from willful abuse, vandalism, or other disorderly conduct will be prorated among residents and each account will be billed accordingly if the responsible party is not identified. In the event of major damages to furniture or fixtures within a specific Residence Hall or to the physical facility, damage(s) will be evaluated, and each resident will be assessed an equal amount based on the cost incurred to restore damaged furniture, fixtures, or physical facility to its original condition in the event the responsible party is not identified. All residents responsible for damages shall be liable for all costs of full repairs and/or replacement as determined by RBC in its sole discretion. All insurance applicable to such residents shall apply and the resident hereby agrees to notify all insurance companies immediately regarding any damage or loss caused in whole or in part by the resident. The resident also agrees to inform RBC immediately regarding any such insurance.

The College reserves the right to apply all or a portion of a student’s housing damage deposit toward payment of any room charges and/or costs for damages at the time of departure from the Residence Hall.

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15. Safety and compliance with Federal, State and College Policy

To promote the health, safety, and welfare of the College and its community, the College reserves the right for authorized representatives to enter Residence Hall rooms at any time for the purpose of inspection, repair, and/or maintenance, and the establishment of order. By signing this Agreement, the student acknowledges that the use, distribution, or possession of illegal drugs, and the use, distribution, or possession of illegal contraband or stolen property, or unlawful possession or distribution of prescription drugs is against Virginia and/or federal law. The student further acknowledges and agrees that the RBC campus police or other law enforcement officials may arrest them for violation of federal or state drug laws, for theft or possession of stolen property, or the violation of any other laws. Possession or use of weapons is prohibited, even if the student has a weapons permit. Pets of any kind are prohibited in Residence Halls. Maintenance and health and safety inspections are undertaken for health, sanitation, and safety reasons. If, however, illegal substances or other evidence of policy violations are found in plain view at any time during maintenance or housing inspections, or in response to an emergency involving student health or safety, students may be subject to police action (including arrest) and/or a referral to the Student Conduct Board for violations of the College Student Code of Conduct. If necessary, RBC may conduct searches of residences for illegal drugs, contraband, or other illegal activity by obtaining search warrants or gaining the resident’s consent to search.

The College reserves unto itself the absolute right to enter and inspect any room in order to maintain discipline, protect the property or the health and safety of its students, and to inspect for cleanliness. Inspections may occur as frequent as necessary or whenever there is

reason to believe that the occupants of the room are in serious physical, psychological, or emotional distress.

The College strictly enforces safety and fire regulations. Persons who are identified removing, destroying, or otherwise tampering with safety equipment will be subject to disciplinary actions in addition to restitution for damages. The Residence Halls and rooms are subject to inspection visits by the Fire Marshall.

Personal electrical equipment allowed in the Residence Halls is limited to clocks, small refrigerators, small radios, kitchen appliances, fans, shavers, small hair dryers, TV’s, and computers. ELECTRICAL HEATERS ARE NOT PERMITTED. If these items are found in your room, they will be confiscated. SURGE PROTECTORS ARE THE ONLY ELECTRICAL EXTENSION CORDS THAT ARE AUTHORIZED.

RBC will address Emotional Service Animal requests in accordance with its policies and procedures for providing disability accommodations. Information about submitting a request for disability services may be found on the RBC website:

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16. Emergency Exits

Emergency exits must only be used in the event of an emergency (e.g., fire, fire drills, emergency evacuations, and other times specifically designated by the Residence Life Staff or Emergency Response Personnel). Failure to comply with fire and safety policies will result in fines and/or removal from the Residence Hall.

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17. Cancellation of Assignments

Cancellation notifications must be submitted in writing to or:

Residence Life

Richard Bland College

11301 Johnson Road

South Prince George, Virginia 23805

This Agreement is binding; therefore, students who have not cancelled the Housing & Food Service Agreement in writing and the written cancellation has not been received by the Housing Office one (1) business day prior to the start of the Fall Semester will be bound by this Agreement.

Having possession of a room means (1) having a current housing assignment, (2) having possession of the key to the assigned room, (3) having personal belongings in the assigned room, (4) having no completed exit form on file, and/or (5) no official cancelation of assignment received by Residence Life. Except as otherwise indicated in Section 18 below, assessed charges begin on the first scheduled date of move in and continue until the student no longer has possession of the room as defined above.

Students who submit an Exit Form and/or Withdrawal Form must vacate the Residence Hall the day the form is submitted. Room damage deposits will be held until room damages are assessed after cancellation (which includes withdrawing from school) of the Housing and Food Service Agreement.



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Students who officially withdraw or are suspended from the College or Housing (during any session) and surrender possession of their room as is defined in Section 17 will be charged according to RBC’s official withdrawal schedule.


Fall 2023        Refund Date of Completed Exit Form

Daily proration August 25, 2023 – September 4, 2023

100% Prior to August 24, 2023

75% September 5, 2023 – September 11, 2023

50% September 12, 2023 – September 25, 2023

0% After September 26, 2023


Spring 2024     Refund Date of Completed Exit Form

Daily proration January 19, 2024 – January 30, 2024

100% Prior to January 18, 2024

75% January 31, 2024 – February 6, 2024

50% February 7, 2024 – February 19, 2024

0% After February 19, 2024

Students must “check in” upon moving into the residence halls to receive the keys to their room and mailbox, they must “check out” when moving out by turning those keys back in to the Office of Residence Life. The student is considered to maintain possession of the room in accordance with Section 17 above. Damage deposits will be held until after room damage assessment is completed.

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19. Exiting the Residence Hall

Students vacating the Residence Halls during a semester, but who plan to return the next semester, must submit a new Housing and Food Service Agreement for the upcoming semester.

Students who fail to properly turn in their key at the end of the Housing & Food Service Agreement and/or prior to any departure will be charged the cost of changing the lock.

When a room is permanently vacated, the residents are responsible for returning the room and its contents to its original and clean condition but should not undertake repairs. The cost of any necessary repairs will be charged against the student’s account if necessary. Failure to leave the room appropriately clean may result in a cleaning charge. If the student(s) whose actions necessitated the repair(s) or cleaning cannot be readily identified, then the cost of such repairs or cleaning will be charged equally among the residents of the room, suite, floor, or building. Items left in the room after Residence Life has determined the room is vacant shall be deemed abandoned and stored for 48 hours after which the items will be discarded. Room cleaning charges will be applied to students’ accounts who vacate without properly returning their room/apartment to its original condition.

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20. Termination of Agreement

The College may terminate this agreement and take possession of the room at any time for violation of any provisions herein, for violation of any federal or state law, College regulation or policy, or for health or safety reasons as determined by the College. The student removed in this situation will not be permitted to return to their housing assignment until approved by the Director of Student Life.

This Housing and Food Service Agreement is entered into by Richard Bland College and the Student in full acknowledgment that public higher education housing institutions in the Commonwealth of Virginia (such as Richard Bland College) with residential on-campus student housing assignments are not bound by the Virginia landlord-tenant laws. The parties understand and agree that it is not their intention to create a landlord-tenant relationship; that their intention is strictly contractual in nature. Among other things, Richard Bland College is not obligated to follow civil court proceedings related to removal of the Student and the Student’s property from the on-campus student housing assignment, but may automatically remove the Student and the Student’s property from on-campus housing in accordance with this Agreement or the terms of other College policy or procedure if Richard Bland College determines that this Housing and Food Service Agreement has been violated or the Student otherwise does not qualify for student housing.

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