Richard Bland College of William & Mary will be open during regular hours today Wednesday Jan. 22

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I. Statement of Civility & Positive Campus Citizenship

Statement of Civility & Positive Campus Citizenship

Responsible for Maintenance: Student Conduct Coordinator

Civility and good citizenship on campus occur when members of the College community display mutual respect, cooperation, and other forms of positive and productive behaviors. Richard Bland College is a higher learning institution that values educational and social virtues, integrity, and growth. The College appreciates inclusivity and diversity of cultures, opinions, and learning styles. The Student Code of Conduct provides the community of learners at Richard Bland College with information that guides their behavior on campus. These standards are in place to foster community building and a culture of civility, and to ensure that students will be able to function in a safe, enjoyable, and mutually respectful academic setting that supports their intellectual and social development.


Richard Bland College shares a commitment to achieving our educational mission, vision, and strategic goals. The Board of Visitors and the President bear ultimate responsibility and authority; however, faculty, staff, and students share a responsibility to help maintain on campus, in the classrooms, and in the residence halls, an environment in support of the pursuit of academic learning and activities, respect for others, and the opportunity for personal growth and development.

In addressing the importance of student rights and responsibilities, Richard Bland College has adopted language from the Student Handbook of the College of William & Mary in Virginia (

Students, faculty, and administrators (hereinafter the “members of the College community”) shall enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed to every citizen of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia. In addition, the members of the College community shall enjoy all the fundamental rights recognized as essential to fulfillment of the special mission of an institution of higher education. The full enjoyment of these rights, however, cannot be achieved unless certain concurrent responsibilities are accepted. Members of the College community have an obligation, therefore, to fulfill the responsibilities incumbent on all citizens as well as the responsibilities inherent in their particular roles within the academic community.

Privileges and Immunities

The members of the College community, as individuals, shall enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed every citizen of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Virginia as stated in the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The following mutual rights and responsibilities, institutional and student, are set forth with accompanying procedures for implementation.

Basic Rights

Among the basic rights are lawful freedom of expression and belief, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, and freedom from personal force and violence, threats of violence, and personal abuse.

Right to Freedom from Discrimination

Richard Bland College is an equal educational opportunity institution, and in keeping with this policy, the College makes no distinction in the admission of students or in any other of its official activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, religion, political affiliation, disability veteran’s status, other legally protected status or other non-merit factors. All standards and policies governing student employment, recruitment, admissions, financial aid, and support programs are applied accordingly.

Right to Organize

Students are encouraged to examine and discuss questions and issues of interest to them within College-recognized organizations. In their public expressions it must be made clear that students speak only for themselves as individuals or as part of a student organization, and not for the institution, or any segment thereof, nor for the larger community. The right of peaceable assembly being fundamental to an opportunity for free inquiry and expression is assured.

Right to Privacy

Each member of the College community has a right to privacy in their dealings with the institution when authorized by law and RBC policy.

Right to Fair and Equitable Adjudication Procedures

Students have the right to due process and formal procedures with the fundamental aspects of due process, including the right to be informed in writing of the violations or charges and given a reasonable time to prepare a defense, to have written findings, and to appeal to a higher authority. This process is defined and outlined under the Student Code of Conduct.

Responsibility of the College to Preserve Rights: Access to Education

Each student has the right to expect the College to fulfill its educational mission. It is the responsibility of the College to establish and maintain high academic standards as well as the authority to adopt and implement standards of orderly conduct that will promote an environment conducive to learning and meaningful individual development. The following mutual rights and responsibilities, institutional and student, are set forth with accompanying procedures for implementation.

The submission of an application for admission to Richard Bland College represents a voluntary decision on the part of the applicant to comply with and be governed by the rules, policies, and regulations as published in College documents or provided on the College website. The College fulfills its responsibility by administering discipline up to and including expulsion of a student whose conduct or academic performance is found unsatisfactory. This action is taken only after permitting the student an appropriate hearing or investigation, as applicable, and appeal. The admission standards are approved by the Board of Visitors of William & Mary and administered by the Director of Admissions.

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