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XIV. Disciplinary Standards and Procedures

Responsible for Maintenance: Student Conduct Coordinator

Disciplinary Standards and Procedures

By authority of the William & Mary Board of Visitors, the RBC President has delegated the responsibility and authority for overseeing enforcement of policies governing student life to the Student Conduct Coordinator. The policies are designed to enable the College to protect itself and its members against the conduct of those who would impair or infringe upon the disciplinary rules of the College. The policies and procedures were formulated through the process of shared governance. This fact in no way abrogates the authority granted by the Board of Visitors to the RBC President and designee(s) to determine, manage, and maintain a system of discipline and safety in the College community. The Board of Visitors or the RBC President may alter or modify the rules concerning student conduct and discipline at any time.

The Student Conduct Board process is authorized to make a determination as to whether a student’s conduct violates the Student Code of Conduct and/or the Honor Code. The applicable criterion of review is the preponderance of the evidence standard. Evidence is presented by the parties and/or witnesses called by the parties. The evidence presented may be in the form of, but is not limited to: (a) oral or written testimony from parties or witnesses; (b) affidavits and depositions; (c) police reports and memoranda; (d) properly signed court documents; and/or (e) other taped or written statements.

Amnesty from Allegations and Protection from Retaliation when Reporting Hazing or Participating as a Witness in Investigation

To encourage reporting of hazing, the university will extend amnesty from student conduct allegations and sanctions to parties and witnesses for minor violations of the alcohol and drugs policies, such as underage consumption of alcohol, public intoxication, and possession or ingestion of illegal drugs for reporting parties, witnesses or respondents where such disclosures are made in connection with a good faith report or investigation of hazing or retaliation.

Interim Suspension

Richard Bland College (RBC) may take interim measures, as necessary, to assist or protect the complainant during the investigation, to address the safety of the complainant or any member of the campus community, or to avoid retaliation. If, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, Provost, Director of Student Success, Title IX Coordinator, Director of Housing & Residence Life, or the Student Conduct Coordinator, the safety or well-being of any member of the campus community may be jeopardized by the presence on campus of the accused individual, any of the aforementioned individuals, in consultation with the RBC President, may provide interim remedies to address the short-term effects of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation and to prevent further violations. In the most grievous incidents, the decision may be made immediately by the Chief of Police or the Director of Student Success to initiate interim measures to assist or protect the College community. Richard Bland College will seek the consent of the complainant before taking interim measures to the greatest degree possible, but consent is not required. Interim measures may include but are not limited to, changes in classroom schedules or housing arrangements, no-contact order, bar from campus, escorts on campus, referral and coordination of counseling and health services, and modification of work or academic requirements.

Transcript Notation Due to Sanctioning

Pursuant with the Code of Virginia § 23.1-900, sanctions of Withdrawal, Permanent Dismissal, Indefinite Suspension, and Suspension while under investigation at the college for a sexual offense are posted as notations on the student’s transcript. This transcript notation is removed once the school’s investigation is complete and the school determines the student did not commit the offense. The notation will be permanent, however, if the school’s investigation determines the student did commit the offense in question. This information is communicated from the Department of Student Success to the Records & Registration Office.

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