Richard Bland College of William & Mary will be open during regular hours today Wednesday Jan. 22

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XVII. Sanctions

Responsible for Maintenance: Student Conduct Coordinator


Students are expected to display appropriate behavior at all times. Students who are found responsible for having violated RBC’s on- and off-campus conduct policies while enrolled at RBC will face consequences. Infractions of RBC policy can lead to a warning up to suspension or expulsion from the College.

Sanctions: Sanctioning is a method to provide accountability for one’s actions and educate students on how their actions affect themselves and the College community. Its goal is to increase a student’s awareness level and promote the growth of the student as an effective and productive citizen. Previous sanctions for violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be considered and may impact subsequent sanctioning decisions. Students who are found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will face consequences through appropriate sanctioning. Sanctioning may include but is not be limited to:

  • Letter of Concern
  • Disciplinary written warning
  • Disciplinary Probation
  • Community Service hours
  • Expulsion from the College
  • Suspension from the College
  • Dismissal from the residence hall
  • Restitution
  • Educational Assignments
  • Other sanctions as deemed appropriate

Student Handbook

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